A PERFECT SMOKEY EYE | iluvsarahii

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Holaaaaa Today’s video is kitty and Smokey! I’m going to show you guys how to achieve thus Smokey eye perfect for anyone and any event!! I hope you guys love it!! I’m currently filming a video(literally right now )with the UD Naked cherry palette that will be up next week and also filming one using the Desi x Katy Dose of colors collection tomorrow so let me know if you have any request on what shades to use


Jerk pulled pork
Savoury recipes

Jerk pulled pork

Hot tomato chutney
Chutney recipes

Hot tomato chutney

Grapefruit and lemon marmalade
Marmalade recipes

Grapefruit and lemon marmalade

Gooseberry jam
Jam recipes

Gooseberry jam

Courgette and rosemary cake

Courgette and rosemary cake

Chocolate and pecan brownies
Tray bake recipes

Chocolate and pecan brownies

Cherry and almond cake

Cherry and almond cake

Banana cake

Banana cake